
About Us-Meet Dorman

Dog Training Jacksonville Beach

Proudly Serving the Beaches Community Since "1986"

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Meet Dorman

Good Dogs Training Camp is the best choice for family dog training. Our great reputation didn’t happen by chance-it’s due to our years of experience and passion for working with dogs. Thank you for taking this time to learn about us-meet Dorman. “As a child I remember vividly my mother reading to me the Dr. Doolittle series of books and I was fascinated about the idea of someone talking to animals. So much so I studied hard and made a career of it! I have spent a lifetime helping families communicate with their pets and have enjoyed every minute of it.” Since 1986, our dog training services, designed by Dorman Pantfoeder, have earned high praise from the beaches community. Dorman is a professional dog trainer certified by The American Dog Trainer’s Association as well as the author of A New Owner’s Guide to Dog Training.

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Dorman Pantfoeder

Your dog deserves the best!

Dorman's Dog Training Schoolboy walking a dog

First Class Training

Good Dogs Training Camp offers premium dog training services to our local Beaches community. We have time tested First Class dog training programs designed specifically for the family dog. From puppy to adult and each developmental stage in-between we can help train your dog to be a well mannered pet. Enjoy a more personalized experience to your dog training with our Board & Train camp. Living and training with a professional trainer greatly accelerates the learning process. Dorman's dog training programs produce amazing results that last a lifetime.

Dog Friendly Techniques

Training a dog should be a fun rewarding experience for both you and your pet. There are many thoughts about the proper way to train one's dog. This is a discussion that starts with the owner's ideas in mind. Dog training is conditioning. Our philosophy is to focus on directing behavior and re-directing unwanted behavior. Praising and rewarding good behavior in repetition will build confidence. Thanks for taking the time to learn about us-meet Dorman.

38 Years of Experience

I have been proudly servicing Jacksonville Beach / Ponte Vedra and surrounding areas for nearly 4 decades. Professional dog trainers will always tell you that you continue to learn from each dog that you work with. I have been at the other end of the leash with thousands of dogs-different breeds-personalities-pups and adults that have all given me valuable insight that help shape my training approach.

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Dorman's Dog Training Method
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Overall, Good Dogs Training Camp is dedicated to improving your family dog’s behavior. We begin by creating a strong foundation of communication through the use of obedience training commands. Dorman’s dog training method focuses greatly on positive reinforcement. We use lots of verbal and physical praise as a reward to build confidence in our Dog Training Programs. More emphasis is placed on directing a dogs behavior in contrast to over correcting. We want our four legged friend to be motivated to learn new things. So let’s be sure to accentuate the positive my friends!

Building Confidence

Dorman’s training camps provide you with the tools in the toolbox needed to work on your bigger behavioral project. The dog training magic is in the conditioning. Bad habits such as jumping, pulling, mouthing, excessive barking etc. are quickly redirected by using the refined obedience skills learned at camp. Once you learn about us-meet Dorman! You will then have the confidence that your dog’s leash is in the right hands! Choose Northeast Florida’s leading expert in dog training and customize a program that suits your needs. Follow us on Facebook and share with your friends!

Board & Training Camp Benefits
Choosing the right dog training course Lab Pup at Heel

Obedience Training

Living with the trainer provides more availability for obedience training repetitions.

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Simulated Homelife

 We get to see what your living with and improve household manners.

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Building Confidence

Your dog living with a professional trainer builds confidence and trust.

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Maintain a well trained dog by repeating exercises that promote good behavior.

"What you allow your dogs to do-you are training them to do!"
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Dorman Pantfoeder
Professional Dog Trainer

A Trained Dog is a Happy Dog

Make Your Reservations Now!